Criticism Issues

Welcome to your Criticism Assessment.  Think of a previous argument when taking this quiz.

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I thought it was very important to determine who was at fault.

I saw it as my job to present all of my complaints.

I tried to see patterns and analyze my partner's personality as part of my complaint.

I didn't complain until I felt very hurt.

I tried to make a general point instead of being specific about one situation or action.

I analyzed my partner's personality in addition to discussing specific actions that bothered me.

I let things build up for a long time before I complained.

I didn't censor my complaints at all.  I really let my partner have it full force.

When I complained my emotions were very intense and powerful.

I complained in part to get things off my chest.

I did not state my complaints in a neutral manner.

I didn't try to be very rational when I stated what I thought was wrong.

When I complained I brought up my partner's faults.

When I complained I felt explosive inside.

There's no stopping me once I get started.

I resented having to bring up these issues in the first place.

I regret my tactless choice of words when I complained.

Whenever I bring up a problem it is my goal to get my partner to see how I'm right!

It was my goal to get my partner to accept some blame for the problem.

When I complained I used phases like "You always" or "You never."

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