Emotional Philosophy

Welcome to your Emotional Philosophy Assessment.  Thinking back to your childhood, choose the response that best represents the one you think might have heard from your parents under similar circumstances.

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You tell your parents you're angry because your younger sibling always gets to sit in the front seat of the car.

Your uncle has just had a car accident and is in the hospital.  Now you're unable to attend the championship football game with all your friends.  You're so angry you want to break something.

Your younger cousins are visiting again, and they're messing up your toys.  It's really making you angry, and you complain to your parents.

Your classmates keep borrowing your new color markers during art projects.  When they return them, almost all the ink is gone!

Your best friend has moved to a distant suburb and a new school.  You talk on the phone and see one another every now and then, but it's just not the same.  It's been weeks now, and you're still sad about it.

You hear that an acquaintance had a party and invited most of your friends, but not you.  You don't understand why you've been left out, and it makes you very sad.

Your dog Shortstop died.  You're sad.

You've put heart and soul into applying for the yearbook staff.  You wrote an essay, you were interviewed, and you thought you did a good job.  But you're passed over for this plum after-school assignment.  Worse, several of your friends were selected.

You're afraid of the dark.  Very afraid.

You have an ear infection, and you're going to the doctor - the same doctor who gave you all your vaccinations.  Afraid you'll get another shot, you start to cry.

Your family is flying to California for vacation.  You saw a news story about a bad plane crash the previous month, and you've been scared to get on the plane ever since.

Your mother is having surgery.  You're afraid she might die in the hospital.

You're ten years old and you have your first crush on a classmate.

Nest Builder

Welcome to your Nest Builder.  Please pick the one that best fits you.

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I enjoy nurturing others.

I enjoy taking care of other people.

I often like to see to people's needs.

I love to see children develop.

It gives me a sense of meaning to help other people.

I like creating a cozy home.

I do (or would) enjoy teaching children.

I have a strongly developed parental side.

I often feel sad when I am alone.

I get lonely when I am not in a close relationship.

I like making new friends.

I take the time needed to take care of my friends.

I like to listen to my friends' problems.

I tend to think of other people's needs before my own.

I think the greatest accomplishment in life is raising a good child.

I make it a priority to spend time with friends.

I don't mind people depending on me.

I sometimes love to take care of children.

At heart, I am very parental.

I strongly value the cozy times of family closeness at home.

I love cooking for the people I am closest to.

My current life does not provide me with enough intimacy.

In my current life, I don't get to take care of others enough.

My tender side is not really appreciated right now.

There is too much emotional distance in my life now.

I feel lonely too much of the time.

I am secretly more of a caretaker than anyone gets to see these days.

I need to make more close friends.

I wish that I had a life with more intimacy.

I yearn for more connection with those around me.

There is not enough affection in my life right now.

Energy Czar

Welcome to your Energy Czar.  Please select the choice that most fits you.

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I usually have a lot of energy.

I get little pleasure out of working so hard that I am burned out.

I can renew my energy when I am tired.

I can monitor my life so that I don't usually become too exhausted.

I have generally been able to create an environment that allows me enough rest and relaxation.

I rarely long for vacations or time off from work.

I am able to get enough sleep most nights.

I don't need a nap most days.

I usually wake feeling refreshed.

It's easy for me to get away and reduce my stress level.

In my life, things usually seem effortless.

I rarely get exhausted and stressed out.

I have lots of drive to get things done.

I have little trouble finding the motivation to accomplish my goals.

I find my life exciting.

I generally have the will to accomplish anything I choose to do.

I have little trouble finding the right balance between work and fun.

I have quite a bit of drive.

I always make sure that I eat the proper foods.

I rarely ignore my basic daily physical needs (thirst, hunger, elimination)

My life is currently too tiring.

My job is exhausting.

The demands on me are unreasonable, and I am burning out trying to meet them.

There is so much stimulation in my life that it's ruining my sleep.

Life is wearing me out.

I am "wiped out" a lot.

I haven't had a vacation in a long time.

I don't have very much balance in my life right now.

I yearn for more calm.

There are too many stressful days in my everyday life.

Sentry System

Welcome to your Sentry System.  Please check the alternative that best fits you.

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It is easy to become a victim if you aren't vigilant.

I treat the world as if it were a dangerous place.

I treat the world as if it were a dangerous place.

I see part of my role as making sure my loved ones are safe.

I rarely feel totally safe myself.

I try hard to avoid unpleasant surprises and shocks.

I believe that a little bit of forethought can avoid disasters.

I tend to look for potential danger in ordinary situations.

I have a hard time relaxing.

I tend to worry about the future.

I hate being startled.

Some seemingly normal situations can make me apprehensive, for good reason.

I think of myself as a protector of others.

Sometimes I can become a bit nervous or on edge.

I am anxious in some social situations.

I can sense trouble brewing before other people can.

I work hard to create a safe environment for myself and for people close to me.

It is important to me that my work environment for myself and for people close to me.

I like to stay in control of things to avoid unpleasant surprises.

I make myself stay vigilant so that I can be aware of potential trouble.

I tend to be a worrier.

I dislike being alarmed.

I am easily frightened.

I can become panicky when things are not in order.

I think of myself as a kind of guard or sentry for myself and the people close to me.

My current life involves too much anxiety.

I need to be too wary in my everyday life.

I feel apprehensive about several aspects of my current life.

I am worried a lot of the time.

Tensions often make it hard for me to get a good night's sleep.

These days I have trouble letting down my guard.

These days I find it very hard to relax.

I wish that I had more job security.

I would like to feel more at ease with people important to me.

I could be a lot more creative if I felt safer.

I have too much responsibility as a protector of the people I care about.

I wish people looked to me less for their security.

I don't enjoy having to take care of other people's safety needs.


Welcome to your Explorer.  Please identify the item that best fits you.

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I become excited about the prospect of learning something new.

I dislike the comfort of routines and usually welcome all charges.

I enjoy change for its own sake.

I become bored very easily.

I am often thrilled about the possibility of exploration and adventure.

I don't like things in my life to be predictable.

Life is a grand adventure for me.

I am curious about what's just over that "next hill" in life.

I like to seek new stimulation.

I feel a thrill in mastering something new.

After doing the same thing for a while, I am anxious to move on.

I often want to visit new places and try new foods.

Once I master something, I hate for conditions to stay the same.  I'm looking for something new to master.

At times, I find myself longing for new experiences.

I love surprises.

I love to travel.

I am curious about many things I don't know about.

I generally feel comfortable traveling.  Travel for me is a pleasant experience.

My current life does not provide me with enough stimulation, newness, or adventure.

My current life provides me with too much routine.

I find a lot in my life to be the same old thing and I am tired of it.

There is not enough stimulation in my life for me.

I think life moves at too slow a pace.

I am bored a lot right now.

I wish the pace of my life would speed up for a while and I could see more changes.

I wish my life was less predictable.

I yearn for more adventure.

There are far too few surprises in my life.