Distressing Thoughts

Welcome to the Distressing Thoughts Quiz.  Please answer these questions based on how you felt during your last argument.


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I felt hurt.

I felt misunderstood.

I thought, "I don't have to take this."

I felt innocent of blame for this problem.

I thought to myself, just get up and leave.

I was scared.

I was angry.

I was worried.

I felt disappointed.

I wanted my feelings to get some attention here.

I felt unjustly accused.

I thought, "My partner has no right to say those things."

I felt let down.

I felt sad.

I was frustrated.

I felt personally attacked.

I wanted to strike back.

I felt like I was warding off a barrage.

I felt like getting even.

I wanted to protect myself.

I knew I was right.

I had a pretty low opinion of my partner's personality at the time.

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